AT Home Moms & Dads: Exercise at Home with Child Awake..

AT Home Moms & Dads: Exercise at Home with Child Awake..
AT Home Moms & Dads: Exercise at Home with Child Awake.. I’ve heard it all the time, that moms and dads cannot exercise at home because their child is awake and won’t let them.  We are all busy and time with our children is very important, but at the same time it’s very valuable for our children to see that... Read More

What Would People Think? When you lose weight…

What Would People Think? When you lose weight…
What would people think?  When you Lose Weight…   You wouldn‘t worry so much about what other people thought if you realized how seldom they do. – Eleanor Roosevelt The most important person is you!  You are the one who can change your life and make it better.  Interestingly, people may be so consumed with their own lives that they... Read More

Is there a Best Time to Exercise?

Is there a Best Time to Exercise?
Is there a Best Time to Exercise? I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing.  ~Marsha Doble Is there really a best time to exercise?  Is there a best time to burn more fat and calories?    The best time to exercise depends on so much of who you are.  You need to look... Read More

Decisions that Shape your Waistline..

Decisions that Shape your Waistline..
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” ~ Anthony Robbins Our decisions, moment by moment, daily, weekly will over time change your life.  They can help you lose weight or not, spend quality time with family or not, add more money in your life or lose money.  Let’s see how your decisions can add balance... Read More
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