You are exercising but your exercise program still can’t change the occasional bloat you have.  Stay with me for more than an exercise program to beat the bloat and of course, look great!

As you approach your event, a date, night out or other fun time, you need to avoid salt as much as possible.  Sodium pulls water into your cells and makes you retain it.  Thus creating the bloat.  If you do slip up, be sure to have a potassium rich food such as a banana.  This nutrient will help pump out the sodium.

Your goal is to look great from your exercise program.  Flatter stomach, thinner legs and arms…  Be consistent with less salt intake and you will look much better from your hard work in your exercise program.

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We want to do our best for our loved ones but yet, we are not taking care of US women! And gaining the worry/mommy bump or pouch.  Don't stress, in fact relax, join us and get permission to get amazing results you and your family deserve. When you are happy, every one is!DSC_f0525

Stay with me and I will be on your side, motivating you every step of the way! I'd be honored to support you in your health and weight loss journey.  I welcome all sizes - we are all important!

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