Is there a Best Time to Exercise?

Is there a Best Time to Exercise?
Is there a Best Time to Exercise? I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing.  ~Marsha Doble Is there really a best time to exercise?  Is there a best time to burn more fat and calories?    The best time to exercise depends on so much of who you are.  You need to look... Read More

No Easy Way Out – But this Works for Weight Loss, Overcoming a Plateau

No Easy Way Out – But this Works for Weight Loss, Overcoming a Plateau
There’s no easy way out. If there were, I would have bought it. And believe me, it would be one of my favorite things! -Oprah Winfrey We are in such a fast paced world that we want things now!  The easy way is the best… or is it?  When it comes to changing your body, weight loss, body transformation, it... Read More
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