Change Your Body: Consistent Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

Change Your Body:  Consistent Exercise Tips for Weight Loss
“Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.” – Liane Cardes Weight loss, losing your midsection, getting sexy toned muscles, becoming stronger and running faster is about continuous effort.  Working towards a goal takes daily actions with daily renewed commit to reach your goals.  Can you do this?  Yes!! Your First Step is... Read More

Decisions that Shape your Waistline..

Decisions that Shape your Waistline..
“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” ~ Anthony Robbins Our decisions, moment by moment, daily, weekly will over time change your life.  They can help you lose weight or not, spend quality time with family or not, add more money in your life or lose money.  Let’s see how your decisions can add balance... Read More
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