Women: Borderline High Blood Pressure = high chance for Heart Attack

Women: Borderline High Blood Pressure = high chance for Heart Attack
Women: Borderline High Blood Pressure = high chance for Heart Attack When we hear the word “borderline,” we might think we are safe from a heart attack, because it’s not full blown high blood pressure and so that’s great!  I’m doing well! I’d like to change your thought about this to a greater sense of urgency when it comes to... Read More

Constipation.. 3 Tips to go from Constipation Belly to Flatter Belly

Constipation.. 3 Tips to go from Constipation Belly to Flatter Belly
Constipation.. 3 Tips to go from Constipation Belly to Flatter Belly If you are a woman and over 40, you might have experienced some constipation or a lot!  Kind of a personal thing, right?!  However, this personal thing has solutions! This has been a personal thing for me and I made up my mind to figure it out.  There is... Read More

3 Top Ways to Happily Fix a Skipped Breakfast Routine.. since you want to lose weight

3 Top Ways to Happily Fix a Skipped Breakfast Routine.. since you want to lose weight
3 Top Ways to Happily Fix a Skipped Breakfast Routine.. since you want to lose weight According to Huffington post article, 31 million Americans skip breakfast everyday!  That’s a lot!  Some of the reasons include: being too busy or running late, besides not hungry.  I bet you can relate.  I know I’ve had troubles with “running late” but somehow I... Read More

Sugar is as addictive as Cocaine!

Sugar is as addictive as Cocaine!
Sugar is as addictive as Cocaine! You may have heard this before, but sugar is as addictive or more than cocaine.  This is not something we should eat in moderation.. “everything in moderation.”  For some of us, once we start eating more sugary things, we have trouble stopping and therefore, don’t even eat any sugary stuff.  I promise, it’s well... Read More

Calories don’t Count! But this does..

Calories don’t Count!  But this does..
Calories don’t Count! But this does.. Counting calories is what so many dieters do, but don’t they eventually get off their diet?!  Calories are essentially defined as a unit of energy.  Something we all need is energy.  Calories are not all created equal.. some are from sugars, fats that are unhealthy and foods that have been highly processed.  If you... Read More
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